Thriving new materials | outbreak, we are on the way!

Thriving new materials | outbreak, we are on the way!

       Unite as one to fight the epidemic
       Recently, the epidemic situation in Baoji is grim, and the number of confirmed cases is increasing, which affects everyone's heart all the time. In this "battle", countless people marched against the tide and bravely stood firm. Medical workers, community workers and volunteers fought day and night on the front lines of the fight against the epidemic, leaving a touching moment after another.


       In the face of the current epidemic situation, no one is a spectator. We never forget our original intention and keep our mission in mind. Li Min, chairman of Shaanxi Xingsheng New Material Co., LTD., Li Haitao, Secretary of the Party Branch and General Manager of shaanxi Xingsheng New Material Co., LTD., and the Party Branch of shaanxi Xingsheng New Material Co., LTD., took immediate action to fulfill their social responsibility and corporate responsibility by purchasing 400 cases of milk and 200 sets of protective clothing. And donated to The High-tech Zone Epidemic Prevention Headquarters and Market Supervision Administration on March 17, 2022.

       Chairman Li Min said: "Material security is the premise and basis of overcoming the epidemic, which is our hope to overcome the epidemic, but also the confidence and determination to overcome the epidemic," the epidemic merciless people have feelings, the epidemic titanium has feelings ". Only by working together can we build an "iron wall" of epidemic prevention and control. We need to stay vigilant, prevent and control COVID-19 at all times, help each other and tide over difficulties together.

       Under the leadership of the Party and the government, we will strictly deploy the "epidemic prevention network", gradually tighten the "encirclement", and "tighten the strings" at any time to reverse the "war situation" step by step. All of us, as a team, actively cooperate with the staff, strictly abide by the prevention and control regulations, and work together to prevent and control the epidemic.
       Baoji refueling! Shaanxi come on!

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